Just realised that the Easter Show Judging for knitting is happening today. Fingers crossed for everybody who entered!
@VenessaHunt Yep. My entries: http://bit.ly/a6tMfP 🙂
@thisismywww You want Drupal horror stories? I’ll give you Drupal horror stories. Not as bad as Joomla, though…
Hey look! I’m on a landing page! http://bit.ly/ccMZzC Hahahahahaha…. 🙂
@thisismywww We use it on GetUpGo: http://www.getupgo.com/. IM me tomorrow for more details.
The cure for stress: getting some exercise and saying NO to meetings. I feel much better today.
@Offbeatceremony Way to go! It feels great to hit those milestones. Well done. 🙂
@DDsD I would’ve said the former a year ago, but I had a boss who used “mobile site” a lot. So I see the value in distinguishing.