@Roceal Ours died last yr. Do you need a recommendation to replace it? Thomson Plumbing was cheapest and best we found: http://bit.ly/9ohPT
Went to visit @SallyPompom in hospital but had to leave early. Fear I may have finally caught Snook’s cold. Bleurgh.
Nope, not feeling good at all. Doing that Elaine Benes thing where I SHRIEK at fellow commuters in my head. MOOOOVE! MOOOOOOOOVE!
I am live-tweeting #masterchef over at @getupgo with a couple friends from work!
HAHA! Did you see the look on Jonathan’s face when Jimmy’s name was announced? I think he threw up in his mouth a little! #masterchef – KH
@Epaulette *sob* I don’t have any pink pants! But I could tie a jaunty scarf round my neck…
@randomknits Hahahah… Okay, Milk Duds are the antithesis of Peeps. Milk Duds are gooooood. I’m glad you’re trying a worthy American candy!
@randomknits @gilmae Your next target: Sugar Daddy. Seriously. http://bit.ly/c2llqO