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On a hike/run with @mrs_sockvictim. Just made it to Robertson’s Lookout at Mt Keira!

@gusseting @mrs_sockvictim had a slight GPS fail there. Actual distance was just under 7km. ๐Ÿ™‚

My vote for photo of #knitcamp. Queen @knitabulous is not amused.

Watched #masterchef masterclass from Friday. Snook was inspired to grill us some steaks. YUM…

@mrs_sockvictim @bellsknits @georgieknits @randomknits @drkknits @knitabulous @gemma747 @knitterjp Cheers, my dears! Tomorrow def. recovery.

@knitness We missed you too, Ness! There was a definite lack of true debauchery this year, I think. ๐Ÿ™‚

Home from knitting camp and resting up. What time for Justin Bieber tomorrow, @getupgo? ๐Ÿ™‚

RT @bellsknits: Wollongong Knitting Camp 2010: // Oh dear god. That photo of me made me do a double-take! HAWTNESS.

Rice Krispy Treats recipe: Missing: the step where you stir marshmallow w/ the chowmein spoon. @bellsknits @drkknits

@getupgo We’ll see. I’m taking an early mark tonight. I’ll look for you among the screaming Bieberites!

@Lauren_lolly_ In my defense, they made me drink cherry brandy. That stuff is POTENT. No wonder I’m posing like a hoochie-mama! ๐Ÿ™‚

@SMinney @bellsknits That would have required corsetry. Instead I was wearing jeans and sneakers underneath. ๐Ÿ™‚

@zedsains I just woke up! Phew, glad I didn’t miss anything. Are the tweens on the rampage?

Slept in this morning only to find that Bieber cancelled his concert when he heard I wasn’t there. Very sweet of him.

Important Note

This site features content going all the way back to 2000. The posts you’ll read reflect my views and writing style at the time. While I have gone back to clean up a few of them, I think it’s important not to sanitise too much. This site is a record of who I am and how I’ve grown. Any blog post written years ago may not reflect who I am today, nor how I would write about the same topic today.