Still trying to get home from Guild meeting. Traffic is nuts. No trains running. No buses in sight. About to scream!
My frustration greases the wheels of the universe, apparently. Bus has arrived.
RT @knitterjp: Judy’s magic cast on lesson over. Heading home to T. Didn’t go too bad for a big group In a small space // Response = GREAT!
Nice easy run through Newtown just to shake the legs out before tomorrow morning’s race. Can’t wait to meet Team GGR in person!
RT @AusVintageGrrl: Why I Love Being in a Guild: I had a Knitters Guild meeting today… // AWW, LOVE IT!
@drkknits You mean Freddie. FREDDDDDDDDIE, DAMMIT.
@mrs_sockvictim Soon?! I just got up! You mean in one hour. 🙂
GGR runners! I am in stupid long queue. The Snook is at the fountain. If all else fails, meet at fountain after the race!
Timing chip procured. Off to meeting place and out of this craziness.