@acatinatree Hm. I’m with many of the commenters who think the 2nd version sounds canned, corporate, and kinda lame.
@miss_reecie You really did sprain it?! Yowch! Rest, Ice, Compression, and Elevation babe…
102m / 101m on the rower at Spudds tonight. That’s what I needed this week! Self-confidence: I HAZ IT. Bring on the Half Marathon.
@toastman Not quite. 🙂 Two 20s intervals with a 10s pause in between. Only got two 100+ goes once before.
@AusVintageGrrl Very cute! Heels or flats?
@getupgo You scared me! It’s just a repeat of last Thursday, thank goodness.
Ow. Woke up with wicked sinus headache. Feel like I’ve been punched in the face.