Shared today on Twitter

@randomknits Gorgeous and lovely!

Chicken strudel, mashed potato, broccoli and fancy pants purple carrots for my dinner. Courtesy of me.

@Lauren_lolly_ Nah, got ’em at Eveleigh Farmer’s Markets at @CarriageWorks last weekend. 🙂

@venks79 Does it count as carbo-loading? 😛 (NO BACKSLIDING, MISTER!)

Finally pulled the electric heater out of the closet. The cats are regarding it curiously.

@witty_knitter You forgot dipping it into ranch dressing. *drool* (The only food I miss from the U.S. is the really bad stuff, oddly.)

@randomknits Outback makes to pretense as to authenticity. In this case, Aussie means “rough & tumble and “giant portions.”

@randomknits @knitabulous USians also think we all drink Fosters too. Triumph of marketing over reality, really.

@thepurple8 I know. But we also don’t live like Croc Dundee either, which is image Outback sells. Rough men eat a lot, they think.

@bhmulder Well, that’s the irony. Outback is American, so it lets them pretend other countries do giant portions too.