WTF. I put some Deep Heat on my legs and the cat went NUTS. Rubbing herself all over where I’d been sitting. Camphor? Makes cats crazy?
Huh, some cats do go berserk around menthol. http://bit.ly/bLb3Gx How odd we never noticed it before. She never reacted to catnip.
@Epaulette Carbed, hydrated… about ready for bed, I think! 😛
@shanea Huh. Does Quackies go nuts over Dencorub? Because I’ve never seen Amy like that before. Then she got the munchies. 🙂
The Snook will be tweeting a link where you can watch my live race progress about 7:30am tomorrow morning!
@Lauren_lolly_ I’m running the Sydney Half Marathon tomorrow 🙂 http://halfmarathon.smh.com.au/
@cdeagle I got it. But then again, I spent three hours yesterday watching “Children of Dune.”
Follow my #sydneyhalfmarathon live over at: http://rnkpr.com/a5qy8m
Sorry everybody! Got very dizzy and faint just past halfway, and race marshall told me to stop. Don’t think I can go on. 🙁
I’m ok. Sitting in the sun with Snook. Cramping a bit. Right foot is hurting. Stupid DNF.