Sitting in a Twitter training session at work. Hi everybody!
OH YOU GUYS. I was helping show newbies how to use Twitter, not being trained MYSELF. Because obviously, I am the Queen of Twitter. 😛
The only thing making this weather bearable is the thought of my split pea & ham soup bubbling away in the slow cooker at home…
@Opheli8 you’re not supposed to smoke. Sucking on things causes dry socket. *shudder*
ARGH. Locked out of the house in a torrential downpour. This pea soup better be FANtastic or I quit the world.
I might be hallucinating, but I think I can smell my soup through the locked front door. Hurry up, Snookums!
He made it! In. Warm. Dry. And now for soup and #masterchef…
Only thing worse than the leak in the bus roof above me is the girl 3ft away hacking up a lung. *sigh* Wednesday.
@misswired Somehow forgot my keys. (I transfer my stuff from backpack to purse sometimes.) Luckily Snook was nearby.
RT @DDsD: Telstra iPad plans to allow unused data to roll over: // Ah, that’s better. Considering.
@squozen Ah. I missed that somehow.
@squozen We’re booking a trip to the US to visit the fam in the winter. Wonder if it would be worth getting there…