RT @codepo8: Find the IT guy: http://www.deansproperty.com.au/Home/Profiles // HAHAHAHA! Who knew RMS was into real estate?
Keep Calm and Carry On. http://twitpic.com/1se2ta My new red water bottle makes me happy.
@Lauren_lolly_ I’ve blogged more this weekend than I have in a long time. Even finished an actual knitting project! 🙂
My Absinthe Socks are finally finished! Five months for socks?! I told you I’ve been busy. *sigh* http://bit.ly/97NJVE
Is anyone else freezing? I’m freezing. Even in my new woolen socks. Brrrr.
Front door was open! I am an idiot.
Guess what, folks? Geek Girl Runner Episode 7 is uploaded and waiting for you! http://bit.ly/bMU4vh
RT @mediaexperience: 10 … Ways to Increase Wife Acceptance … for Your Gadgets http://bit.ly/9F7Ast // *sigh* Sexism. I like gadgets too.
RT @ebertchicago: Today: Del Toro is off “The Hobbit.” Last week: Del Toro announced he wouldn’t film it in 3D.
@ebertchicago If it’s in 3D, this LotR fan won’t be going to see it, ever.
Many happy returns of the day, @randomknits! (You couldn’t wish for this rain to go away, could you?)