Shared today on Twitter

@drkknits Are you a fan of the foofy-haired vampire? My R.Pattz-mad cousin sent me this link yesterday:

@drkknits It’s all gone. Serious Actors in Serious Historical Dramas don’t have swoopy, sticky-uppy hair, it seems.

@knitterjp Nice! I didn’t know there was a couch. @witty_knitter led me to believe it was all evil, backless stools.

@kottke Offmaps looks great… but why does it have to be to the right of the built-in App? Strange requirement.

Just discovered @offmaps. Perfect for our trip to US next month! (I don’t get the bit about putting the icon to the right of Maps though?)

RT @kcarruthers: OMG: Kids More Likely to Own a Cellphone Than a Book, Study Finds // WTF. DO BETTER, BREEDERS.

@carbolicious It’s an objective term! Suck it up. And I’m gonna bring your kids a TON of books to OWN when I come visit! 😛

Good grief. I am a self-referential negative nancy obsessed with numbers and living in the past!

@zedsains Dude, some Cody Simpson tweets can help with that.

RT @damana: I’d like to ask all Geek Girls & their supporters to read, comment and support this post:

Please RT.

Guess what I’ve been cooking tonight…

@tytana_ Hahaha, what do you want it for? So you can do sports betting on the couch?! 😛

@discoknitter Excellent. I would’ve pegged you guys far over on the “Bookish People” side of the bell curve with us anyway. 🙂

I blogged my homemade Vegetarian Pastitsio tonight. It was Mm Mm GOOOOOD.

@dancingman @misswired I should mention that we have two stupid cats. In case anyone is allergic to fuzzy, stupid cats