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@dancingman Yep, silly kitties. One will hide, but the other will come say hello. It’s more the fur on everything that is the worry! 🙂

@Passinthrough @AirForceTed We are GO for a post-race BBQ/meetup at my Mom’s place! Will send you details closer to event. 🙂

Sewing class part two. It’s my nemesis: ZIPPERS!

Is that a ZIPPER I see before me??

@randomknits You will be awesome. Don’t even worry about it!

@Passinthrough Heh heh. It’s still the same day for me! 🙂

At tonight’s sewing class, I made a bag thing! With zips! And a pocket! Only slightly wonky!

@Lauren_lolly_ Huh? Try again. Just worked for me!

@Lauren_lolly_ Says it’s up!

@Lauren_lolly_ Is it just the bitly redirect? Can you get to my site directly? I haven’t touched a thing! Maybe your DNS is updating.

This is so weird! I can get to from home and iPhone but some can’t. Is it a particular ISP?

@squozen SONOFA. No notification from registrar. Thanks; will fix ASAP.

Looks like my domain expired. Crap. It’s okay, should still be in grace period. Will fix ASAP. Thanks everybody!

It’s @squozen for the win, everybody! CC card expired, so auto-renew didn’t work. It’s renewed now. Your DNS should update soon. THANKS!

@squozen The Register and Owner is listed as my Gmail. Tech and Admin are inexplicably my old Yahoo. Reminders are all at Yahoo. *facepalm*

@squozen Yep. Done. Also new contact created with Gmail and assigned to domain. Fun way to start the day!