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@redambition @gilmae The hilarious part is that I got the Snook hooked on GG too. I think he wants to be Chuck Bass.

@ScottRhodie Flashblock is the only thing that allows me to visit the SMH site. Highly recommended.

@redambition @gilmae Not even the clothes? That guy can pull off a pink skirt and an ascot like nobody’s business.

@KnitNTel Keep reading. Pic was posted. 🙂

@kunaal84 HA! I didn’t even realise that. SHIRT. SHIRT. (Although he’s pretty good at pulling skirts off too. 😛 )

@chrisgander A surprisingly good book, once you got past the first few chapters. Better than I expected.

@knitterjp I’M COMING TONIGHT! And in my spiffy boots too! Should make it before you go. 🙂

@venks79 Total delayed reaction there! 😛

@Opheli8 My psyche pretty much stopped developing in 1996, so I’d say that’s pretty accurate. 🙂