Shared today on Twitter

@codepo8 GAH. Was going to DM you but you’re not following me! Where is the love, fellow Netdecider? 😛

@mrs_sockvictim I will require a photo of the wall of Jitterbug so I can make a selection. 😛

@mrs_sockvictim I will pass, thank you! Snook will kill me if I don’t finish the hat I started for him before buying more wool. 😛

This week just gets weirder and weirder. Tomorrow an asteroid will probably fall on my head. 🙂

@witty_knitter You totally are. Every time I see a thread and I’m tempted to post, you always beat me to it!

@redambition I had to look it up. What an ass.

Wow. My blog got linked on @mumbrella. About 100 hits so far…

Guild members: May Exec Meeting Minutes and June Convenors’ letter now posted on the site.

Mah dinner: steak with truffle butter, silverbeet sauteed with garlic, honey-glazed carrots and parsnips. NOM NOM

@anatyt I can help you!

Geek Girl Runner Episode 8 is now available! Our weighty topic (HAR HAR) is Sports Bras. Thanks to all who contributed!

@ozgamer Ha. Didn’t quite DM me there. 🙂 Yeah, I saw that last night. For the record, I didn’t write that headline!!!