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Vuvuzelas for BP: That is brilliant. Can’t wait to see the video.

Check out the Celebrity Profile “Cody Simpson” I found at #GetUpGo

Tonight’s experiment with the new oven: homemade pizza!

@seanchadwick It will be… but there’s not much to share! 😀

@bhmulder It was very good! No control group, as we didn’t think to cook a last one in the old oven before we pulled it out… 🙂

3 out of 14 shirts missing from my @threadless order. 🙁 Just sent an email to Customer Service. Not happy.

@bellsknits I would! But in Canberra, you’ve got more of a real winter than most Aussies. 🙂

Let’s play Words With Friends on the iPhone, iPod Touch or iPad! My username is ‘web-goddess’.

@thepurple8 Well, half were for me and half for Snook. I feel bad that the missing @threadless shirts were all his!

The Snook sends me tweets as SMS, complete with hashtags and everything. I told him to just get a friggin’ account already!

ANOTHER glaring defect in iPhones? *sigh* This happens to me all the time. DAMN YOU TO HELL, STEVE JOBS!

Are they going to build a tunnel under our house? (@steven_noble @InnerWestNews)