Shared today on Twitter

Holy crap. Angry Birds just updated, and it’s got Game Center support. IT’S ON.

But will Facebook Places award me badges for running like @runkeeper does? I think not. I’ll stick with @foursquare for now.

@rhagern Are on you Game Center?! I don’t think I have you friended. Add “webgoddess” 🙂

@ozgamer What are you doing there? That’s where my friends sockvictim and @mrs_sockvictim work!

RT @kunaal84: OMG! Terry Pratchett is coming to Sydney! … . // Paging @redambition & other Pratchett fans! (like Snook)

@redambition Ha, I must have missed it! Are you telling the costume or is it a surprise?

@squozen I use mSecure. Mac + iPhone is about $20, I think.

@squozen I just use the iPhone version; didn’t bother with Mac. It can email encrypted backups. Saved my ass last weekend. 🙁

@redambition @kunaal84 Rodd is asking me if it’s okay if he goes as Cohen the Barbarian. Opinions? (I am not a Pratchett geek.)

@Kat13v So wait. I have to PAY $150 so he can walk around in a loincloth? No way.

@titus_atticus I sent @thezedmiester links to your WoW Armoury pages. You’ll never live it down.