Why can I not find a single retailer willing to ship a pair of Dansko Marcelles in my size to Australia? Very frustrating.
YAYAYAY! My new @QueenBeeInc handbag has arrived! http://twitpic.com/2x6i4f (cc @Roceal @lttlrdhn)
@carbolicious Hahaha… I was actually thinking of sending one to Indie too! Or maybe Race Car Driver Barbie. One of the kickass ones. ๐
@chrisgander Well, except when they were $9 for 09/09/09! ๐
Another day, another eyeball-searing travesty of “advertisement” by the SMH. I’ve accidentally clicked that Harvey Norman link 4 times.
Which is probably what they want; it makes the click-through numbers look higher. But it just makes me hate both companies even more.
@that_alison OMG. I need *everything* on that site.
@that_alison And their stuff isn’t that expensive! I want ALL OF IT. Hm. Maybe time to start up sewing lessons again…
@that_alison Do you want to combine an order? I am seriously tempted…
It’s my 15 seconds of fame! I just registered for Your Name in Lights at #sydfest. You should too! http://bit.ly/aqovut
Waiting for the mortgage valuation guy. Interesting way to start the day.
What the heck? This real estate valuer looks to be about 20 years old.
Boring grown-up mortgage stuff done. Now heading in to work…