Shared today on Twitter

Writing my first HTML at work in, oh, 2 years. Feels good.

@wcritchie You’re right. Just hard to look on the bright side when you’re standing in the rain waiting for a bus knowing you’ll be late!

@L4Designs When I write HTML, it’s like it’s still 1999. *sigh*

A day that started bad turned out good in the end. Productive work, relaxing run, nice dinner, and project success. More tomorrow…

@L4Designs Not a Zeldman fan. 🙂 (I write plenty of HTML and PHP and SQL in my spare time. It was just novel to get to do it at work!)

Dear Internet: is live. I’ve been living and breathing this site for 5 months. The day is finally here!

Hooray for @carbolicious, who has offered to play international courier for me. Looks like I’ll get my Dansko Marcelles after all. 🙂