Shared today on Twitter

@redambition Yeah? Want to split shipping? 🙂

@richapplefool Yep. I used it today to block the stupid fly-in SMH ads. Works great! Just add “” as a new rule.

Pickled brain is chilling, and witches’ fingers are cooling. I love Halloween.

After frantic sewing, Halloween costume for office party is done. Sneak peek: I SWEAR it wasn’t meant to be sexy.

@knitness Yep! I have a headband too. 🙂

@knitness Heh. They’re actually thigh highs; I had to fold them down to preserve some modesty. 🙂

@jannism That’s why he’s my TV historian rock star boyfriend. 🙂

Our office Halloween spread (minus the brain, which is still chilling): Props to Gemma for teaming up!