Shared today on Twitter

Like @ebertchicago, I remember. (My absentee ballot was sent many weeks ago.)

I got Shocking on the office sweep. Just the one I wanted! (The jockey’s name is Rodd.)

I just ousted Misha as the mayor of Sushi Hero II on @foursquare!

Rockin’ the hipster fedora for Melbourne Cup.

@chrisgander lists a couple…

Okay, so the 2nd person has referred to my fedora as “Michael Jackson.” I may have to remove it.

Jockey Rodd let me DOWN!

Heard in the office: “I would’ve been better off putting the money into US dollars instead of the stupid horses.” Seriously.

The exchange rate has me thinkin’. Where do we think I can get brooklyntweed’s Shelter yarn for the cheapest international shipping?

@randomknits Ah, but Knit-Purl are free for international orders over $300. Just need to get a few other people… 🙂

RT @carbocommander: Election Results 2010 –

Going to send out a final call for IC Guild nominations tomorrow… Time to put your hands up, people!