Shared today on Twitter

@miss_reecie I would need to change careers to something more hip to pull that off. Social media or graphic design? 🙂

@swandives Oh! I misread your tweet. I thought you were complaining they’d used eg instead of ex. 🙂

@carbolicious TBB??

My inbox suddenly became awesome. Thanks @knitabulous!

@knitabulous Those are some damn fine looking hooters, I have to say.

Note to self: full skirt + William St wind tunnel = BAD combination.

Snook is making us an orange-poppyseed cake for Guild tomorrow. I am making snickerdoodles.

“Booze! That’s what I should’ve put in this!” Snook just said. He regrets that his orange-poppyseed cake is non-fortified.

@misswired Cheers. I have been adjusting to the fringe all week. I feel like I’m wearing a wig.

@toastman Those people are *wrong*.

@toastman Snook says: “I always refer to my snickerdoodles as a sugar cookie.” And then he snorted. I think it was meant to be rude.

Four dozen snickerdoodles cooling in the kitchen…

@SallyPompom It’s a traditional American cookie. Mainly sugar and cinnamon! Nobody doesn’t like snickerdoodles. 🙂

@carbolicious Oh! HAHAHAHA. Yeah, pretty much.

David Chang is starting a restaurant in Sydney! AWESOME.

@drkknits We miss you!