After a full day at the vet Petey still refuses to give a urine sample. *sigh* Vet’s gonna keep him overnight. At least I’ll get some sleep.
@lemon_lime Broadway Shopping Center has “The Reject Shop”, which is what you & me call a dollar store. They have cheap Xmas stuff!
Snook is whinging that his WoW expansion isn’t open yet. 🙂
@venks79 Really?! It’s my new favorite shop! 😛
@tinkabel Yep! I haven’t bothered to get the expansion, and I don’t feel like playing without him.
@stkilda Well, technically this one does. But I’ve lived outside the U.S. for 11 years now. 🙂
Save the whales. Harpoon a hipster on a fixie. @ Newtown