Shared today on Twitter

@knitness @AusVintageGrrl Yep. We noticed that a few weeks ago. Total danger area though. Both Nando & St. Barney’s burned down nearby!

RT @kellyinmotion: Congrats to Kris (geekgirlrunner and @web_goddess) who met her goal of 1000km in 2010! // THANK YOU!

@alyshajane I know Joomla pretty well, and we’ve used both at work. Joomla definitely has more security risks in my experience. 🙁

Mood vastly improved this arvo thanks to lunchtime run. Was super productive & managed to finish my big spec! Now for a celebratory massage.

I bought a pomegranate on a whim tonight. I’ve never eaten one in my life (such things being very exotic in Indiana). What do I do with it?

@kunaal84 But you only eat, like, the SEEDS, right?

@knitness How do you know when they’re ripe? I have no idea if this one is good or not.

@chrishodgkins Yes, I considered that. If this is Hell though, I’m okay with that. 🙂

This pomegranate is fun and good! Plus a single one seems to go a long way. We’re just munching the seeds like popcorn over here.

@eileenDCoE I just commented. MeFi seemed to HATE season 4 so I stopped at like 3.25. Worth finishing?

@krisalis Yay! Well done. 🙂

@eileenDCoE Look! You can rent Baltar’s house on Caprica: