Shared today on Twitter

Holy crap. Pressure cooker has arrived from Amazon. I ordered it 6 days ago. Half the cost of same unit in Australia. Globalisation FTW.

@mpesce ROTI! Are you going to the one in Chinatown or the new one in Glebe?

@tinkabel I’m so sorry. Hugs to you and Bex.

Veggie box is HUGE this week! Kale, Chinese brocc, cos, tomatoes, zucc, taters, mushies, chilis, nanners, & more!

@eileenDCoE OOOHHHH, I’ve wanted to try one for ages. Let us know how it goes!

Me: “Can I wear these boots with this dress?” Snook: “YES. But you kinda need a riding crop to complete the look.”

RT @carbolicious: Getting increasingly dissatisfied with customer service at @FlatRate_Moving. You’d think they’d care to help a family …