Shared today on Twitter

@gilmae Nah, it would have been pathetic if you’re reported the colour of his trousers.

@gilmae @drkknits You get bonus 10 points if use a funny word in his presence. “Good afternoon Mr Preston. You’re looking EFFULGENT today!”

@drkknits @gilmae Bazinga. 😛

@witty_knitter As they say on the Internet, PICS OR IT DIDN’T HAPPEN.

New pressure cooker is heating for the 1st time, and I – in my vintage pinny – am a little scared!

@crumpet There is so much awesome in that sentence. Now I really must get down to Melbs soon.

In case you were wondering, the pressure cooker did not asplode. We survived to eat some yummy, yummy chicken and dumplings. 🙂