@lemon_lime My mouth dropped open when I read that. IN SHOCK, YOU PERV. ๐
@miss_reecie KICKASS. Less than a week to go!
@drkknits As the aforementioned dangler – well, really it’s @kunaal84 – I say you should go! ๐
@drkknits Hm. I don’t think I’ve ever been there on Aust Day. Lucky for you Snook LOATHES crowds so I don’t think we’ll dawdle. ๐
I was going to walk home after Spudds, but bugger that. It’s stiflingly hot out here.
@eileenDCoE Ha! I’ll chat you tomorrow about Kel’s reaction (which I’m sure you can imagine!). She thinks the mom molested Nina? Craziness.
Lazy cat having a tummy rub. http://instagr.am/p/BLuKY/
RT @acatinatree: I’m an immigrant & I love celebrating my adopted country -strongly relate to Kochie’s “what I hate about Australia Day” …