Easter Show entry has been made for 3 items. No, I’m not telling you what they are. #paranoia #conspiracy #knittersforevil
RT @acatinatree: Finally internet delivers something useful: cancel phone directory deliveries for 3 yrs http://bit.ly/hzFejj // BRILLIANT!
@glittertrash My kitty. http://instagr.am/p/BLuKY/
@grabyourfork I did agree with GYF commenter about the number of comped meals. It does affect my perception of some food bloggers…
RT @googlereader: The Reader link at the top of Gmail (and other sites) was accidentally removed. It’s coming back soon, we promise. Don …
Trying for the hundredth time to convince the Snook to sign up to Twitter. And yet he denies us all.
@Opheli8 True. But he’s always sending me links with pithy one liners. Plus he reads Tweets (via RSS!) already. HE’S A NATURAL FIT.
Qriocity is the dumbest product name I have heard in a long time. Has Sony done anything cool since the 90’s?
Anybody know where I can get a haggis in Sydney on short notice? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Burns_supper
I am oddly enamored of the idea of reciting poetry in a bad Scottish accent to a giant boiled sausage. LET’S MAKE THIS HAPPEN.
@toastman Do ya reckon I can cook a haggis with a pressure cooker?
@hudsonmeats Ooh, that is tempting! I could get to Surry Hills. Are they precooked? Do I have time to prepare it tonight?
@toastman Hudson Meats tweeted that they have them in stock! This might just happen!
@toastman OBJECTION! You live far too close to my house to buy bagpipes.
Haggis procured! Many thanks to the fine folks at @hudsonmeats. I can’t believe I’m going to hike to Surry Hills and pay $25 for a whim!
@randomknits @knitabulous @knitdra @drkknits You should see it soon! It’ll make this year’s sock monkeys that much more awesome. ๐
I have a haggis in my backpack. This in not a euphemism.
@toastman I SMSed you. Are you going to help us eat this?!
@ArtWebEtsy I doubt it. They sell them in San Fran (in the film So I Married an Axe Murderer, anyway).
The haggis is in the oven! I was brave and touched it AND smelled it. It actually smells really good! Like a lovely sausage with spices…
Correctly deduced that the Sock Victim would be a big fan of haggis, so he’s coming over to help eat it tonight. ๐ (cc @mrs_sockvictim)
Robert Burns Medley (as performed on the bagpipes) has been downloaded. Now to make the neeps and tatties…
HAGGIS! It’s actually pretty good! http://twitpic.com/3t8cit http://twitpic.com/3t8clq http://twitpic.com/3t8cmz
@DomesticJules We did haggis, neeps & tatties, and whisky mustard sauce!
@drkknits @knitabulous My friend had some wacky theories about the film. Will have to discuss tomoz so as to avoid spoiling it for others!
Uuuggggghhhhh. Haggis and Whisky hangover headache.
Robbie Burns Night, complete with photos of our haggis: https://web-goddess.org/archive/9601. Great chieftain o’ the puddin’ race!
@hudsonmeats Thanks for the help with the haggis yesterday! It turned out great. I blogged with photos: http://bit.ly/dQaDRM
Snickerdoodles and Peanut Butter Rice Krispie Treats are cooling. Happy Australia Day!