@betsybookworm Oh that will definitely be happening. I’m sure we’ll have plenty of tweets throughout the day!
@cdeagle Awww, I went there 2 days ago to get my fringe trimmed! Only because my salon was booked out & I’m too unco to do it myself. 🙁
@stufromoz You can thank @miss_reecie for that one. She specially ordered it. We take these things very seriously.
Just waiting for a cab to the Domain! Jeez, it looks like I’m going camping for a week.
Still waiting for @taxiscombined to show up. This is second time I’ve used mTaxi and taxi never turns up. 🙁
@stufromoz Do they have an iPhone app? I’m a sucker for an app. (In taxi now. Had to flag one down.)
Knitters: GET HERE SOON. It’s filling up and @miss_reecie and I cannot hold this much space for long.
It’s @miss_reecie and her amazing inflatable flamingo! http://twitpic.com/3uca05
Camp has been established! http://twitpic.com/3uchvd http://twitpic.com/3uchyz http://twitpic.com/3ucife
RT @redambition: Bazinga twins! http://twitpic.com/3ucj44
Woo! @redambition and @innerwestlive getting interviewed by @SevenNetworkau! http://twitpic.com/3ucose
Only 5 hours to go! (@ Opera In The Domain w/ @ausvintagegrrl) [pic]: http://4sq.com/f4LCwT
Sitting with @ptinutz at the Opera in the Domain. http://twitpic.com/3uecog
The sun shades are down and we are 90 minutes til Opera! http://twitpic.com/3uf14j
Mazda are cheating bastards. That’s not a real fortune! http://twitpic.com/3uf41z
I hate telling old people they can’t sit near me, but dammit, I’ve been out here for 6 hours! BUGGER OFF!
@amandapalmer I SO wish I could come! I’m at Opera in the Domain though. “Carmen” wins this round. 🙁
I can’t believe I’m saying this, but I miss Hamish & Andy. #operainthedomain
RT @thisismywww: .@web_goddess @redambition @innerwestlive & @miss_reecie on @sevennetworkau news (for 2 seconds) http://t.co/8J9Uylb
Ooh la la. @miss_reecie likes ’em young. http://twitpic.com/3ufrg3
The sound quality really sucks this year. #operainthedomain
Observation: whoever did Don Jose’s mike should be sacked. And Carmen is workin’ the hell out of this dramatic breeze! #operainthedomain
Thanks for a great day at the Opera! @AusVintageGrrl @miss_reecie @SallyPompom @Kat13v @redambition @innerwestlive @stufromoz @ptinutz
Still feeling a bit seedy from last night, but I need to get in this long run before it gets any hotter. Here we go!