Shared today on Twitter

I’ve introduced like 5 people so far to @amandapalmer’s music in the past week. Have I forced you to listen yet? I will.

Puff sleeves always make me feel like Anne of Green Gables.

@voicework But I don’t wanna be a pirate! #highvoice 🙂

I love seeing a giant blank space on the SMH website and knowing it’s because Flashblock has stopped some big stupid intrusive advert.

@venks79 Ads may be a necessary evil, but giant Flash ads spring from Satan’s bowels.

I love the 1st of the month when I get to balance the household accounts and check the budget. Yes, I am weird and slightly OCD.

@stufromoz You would, perhaps, find it less endearing if you had to live with me. 🙂