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My opera write-up and photos got published by @innerwestlive!

I should NOT have checked nutrition information on that Guzman burrito. 90g of carbs! No wonder they always put me in a coma.

RT @toastman: Jaipur Indian Sweets have opened a branch in York St between Market St and King St (Sydney). // cc @venks79 @kunaal84

@mikeh2bi Yes, I think that’s definitely the go next time I’m there…

Found an old pic of me & Mom this morning. Isn’t she gorgeous? And what a fatty-boombalatty bub I am. 🙂

@thepurple8 @lahondaknitter @kristinrohan Awww, thanks!

Snook managed 5 days of commuting on his bike before stacking it. He’s okay; just skinned a knee. Inevitable, he says. #worry

@that_alison I think UK English has just as many superfluous bits. One that drives me up the wall is “orientate.” Needless extra syllable!