Casual gaming found to reduce depression: @chrisgander will be all over that….
@knitness Dude, going off Depo for a while certainly had some, uh, impact on me too. Shame I couldn’t stay that way, really! 🙂
Elf shoes (ie plaster casts of my feet) @ Podiatrist
@eileenDCoE HOLY CRAP. You just made me realize – is Gaius Baltar in that movie as her friend?!?!
Best wishes to @kunaal84 on his trip home!!
Mr Snook is off to #apps4nsw Hack Day in his Team Yahoo shirt. #geekwifeswoon
Went to Eveleigh to get mushrooms for tomorrow’s Jamie recipe. Yowza. Might be most expensive meal yet.
@eileenDCoE I do them in the microwave. Much easier.
Slight regret that I didn’t go to #apps4nsw with Snook, if only to increase the number of geek girls! But there’s knitting to be done…