RT @GGDSydney: Sign up to attend GGDsydney event 10th March: http://bit.ly/hUKPc6 cyber security, National broadband network, javascrip …
@randomknits I don’t know about hexagons, but I made a quilt by hand without much experience. You can do it! http://bit.ly/iiqmqE
I just ordered a ukelele off Amazon. I blame @amandapalmer. Now I have to figure out how to play it!
@thisismywww http://amzn.to/hCygE3 That one! It was free since I had some gift certs. ๐
The Snook is mocking me as a ukelele-playing, retro-dress-wearing hipster. Sadly, it’s true. Next on the list: FIXIE! (Just kidding.)
@gilmae Ha! Found you on there. Followed.
@Roceal Ooh, thanks for that! Will bookmark for when it gets here. ๐
The Snook has just pointed out that I’ve been spelling ukulele wrong “on the twitters.” DAMN HIPSTER PEDANT.
@redambition So how much is the perfect red lippie going to cost me, and where do I get it?
@redambition Ah, but I can’t judge these things on my own. I have terrible colour sense! When are you in the city next? ๐
@redambition Crap. Getting my hair cut Thurs at 6. Before/after AGM, maybe?
@venks79 Good luck!!!
Do other people get calls from head hunters to their work number? That seems super inappropriate to me.