Shared today on Twitter

GOOD GRIEF. How in the world is one meant to eat a salad while wearing bright red lipstick? I feel like my napkin is smearing it everywhere.

@AusVintageGrrl Ooh, I want one please!

@GGDSydney I might be up for it. I’ll likely be tweeting anyway… 🙂 #girlgeeksyd #AuTechHeads

@redambition I’m wondering too. Let me know if you get an answer!

@TitusAtticus Didn’t you see that when it went around… a year ago?

Anybody free to join me on a looooong run on Sunday? Thinking of staying in Inner West… @laimelde @mrs_sockvictim @redambition

Just heading out to #girlgeeksyd! Can’t wait…

Ahhh, “How to Break a Glass Ceiling.” The topic @venks79 was afraid of me hearing! #girlgeeksyd

Snookums and Petey are enjoying tonight’s new episode of Mythbusters.×5 (cc @voicework)

Trying to imagine being sole female exec at Ernst & Young. Yikes. Lynn Kraus is awesome. #girlgeeksyd

“Only the untalented can afford to be humble.” Or, my new mantra: BE AWESOME. #girlgeeksyd

While I appreciate HTML5, you can pry my <table>s from my cold dead hands! #technoluddite #girlgeeksyd

While I appreciate HTML5, you can pry my table tags from my cold, dead hands. #twitterhtmlfail #technoluddite #girlgeeksyd

Salary negotiations! Now @venks79 is quakin’ in his boots. #girlgeeksyd

@makarakarn I heart the spacer gif! Our love affair has been long and devoted. 🙂 #girlgeeksyd

What do you do when there are no higher-ranked women to serve as role models in your company? #girlgeeksyd

@brown_note Well… It’s in Sydney. Are you in Melbs?

@ng_tina That’s what I wonder. Is input type=calendar going to be the new blink tag?

@stamf That’s not sharing your geekness; it’s just being a nerd. 🙂 #girlgeeksyd

@emmainsydney Not trolling… but I’m not a professional dev anymore either. Probably related. 🙂 #girlgeeksyd

@nerdgerl The professor was a “he” too.

I miss Feynman-style hacking: memorize default combinations for different makes of filing cabinets. #girlgeeksyd

Not only do I know SQL, I named my cat Robert”); DROP TABLE USERS; #girlgeeksyd

@brown_note Ooh, sweet. Send me an email: kris.howard AT gmail. I’ll forward you the JD.

Huh. @piawaugh is talking about Australia’s abysmal broadband speed. Is this why I can’t FaceTime with my Mom in the US? #girlgeeksyd

Any girl geeks looking for a Technical Architect job? I would LOVE to recommend you at my company! #girlgeeksyd

@glittertrash Nope! I’m at the geek girl dinner event. But I started that group and know most of those folks. 🙂

RT @nerdgerl: Round of applause for @katsbud and all those who organized!! #girlgeeksyd

Finally met @makarakarn at #girlgeeksyd tonight, and she admitted she recognized me by the Snook’s nametag! He’s not even on Twitter! Gahhh

Snook’s fancy new shoes!

@CerealBoy Hahahaha… Now I am imagining all the devs over there judging each other’s shoes like it’s Sex and the City.

I should also clarify that the Snook was sitting in a chair in that photo. He does not, in fact, wear Mom Jeans or anything.

@blakkat @CerealBoy Oh god, you guys are gonna get me in trouble for making the whole Internet talk about his new shoes.

@chrisgander Hahaha… Yeah, cookies baked inside other cookies is hot on the cooking blogs lately. Haven’t tried it yet. #lowcarbdiet

Important Note

This site features content going all the way back to 2000. The posts you’ll read reflect my views and writing style at the time. While I have gone back to clean up a few of them, I think it’s important not to sanitise too much. This site is a record of who I am and how I’ve grown. Any blog post written years ago may not reflect who I am today, nor how I would write about the same topic today.