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Look at this effing hipster with her new ukelele! Now I just need to learn how to play it…

@witty_knitter Yes, I am quite the lady of leisure. 😛

@blakkat I’m a thin young man. That’s depressing.

@blakkat We are large, we contain multitudes. 🙂

What was that Windows game called with the bouncing balls where you tried to block off a percentage of the board??!

IT WAS JEZZBALL. Thank you @lemon_lime and your l33t google skillz! 🙂

RT @Opheli8: Simon Pegg and Nick Frost will be showing ‘Paul’ at Popcorn Taxi in Syd. // @kunaal84 – should we go?!

@kunaal84 Okay, okay, we’re booked in. 🙂 @Opheli8 @imdominating

I can confirm that on my iPhone 4, Personal Hotspot doesn’t work upon update to iOS 4.3. Says I have to contact @optus to set up. WHY?

@squozen I found mention online that they’d dropped the fee. If that’s the case, why make me call?