Shared today on Twitter

Fighting urge to just say: “You know, this is why nobody likes you.” (Hat tip to @lotsofco, who pointed out it’s the meanest thing EVER.)

Equinox. Aren’t I meant to be able to stand an egg on end or something? I seem to remember doing that in elementary school.

RT @lotsofco: @supercres Belated but sincere congrats on the nuptials!!! // SAME FROM ME TOO! Congrats!!!

I think I just found a typo in the BABOK! What do I do? I feel like a siren should be going off. Is there someone to email?

@imdominating YES. I recently witnessed someone piling them up on a table to “throw away after.” I was totally grossed out.

@wheelyweb Heh. Was hoping for something a little more specific. I *did* look on the website!

@wheelyweb Heh. You weren’t the only one. 😛

@innerwestlive In general I think they are way less energy efficient. We researched last year and ended up getting 2 stacking separates.

@bakevin Thanks. It’s just a tiny typo, and I only noticed it because I happened to highlight that passage. Will email you. 🙂

Hang on, Barry. You’re only cutting monthly fares? Where’s MY bribe? I guess he only wants votes from suburbanite train commuters.

@henrytapia No. As @gilmae points out, I’m an Inner West commie greens supporter. Sometimes I even WALK to work. So un-Australian, I guess.

There’s a first! Bus driver turned away idiots without prepay tickets who were blocking the queue and making us all wait in the rain.

@lemon_lime Zshuzsh your hair forward and tell then you’re Bieber’s older brother!!

@brown_note Yep, he already emailed me. @bakevin is on the ball! I knew if I put up the BABOK signal, he’d see it. 🙂

@redambition Whoops! They did? They didn’t tell me!

Hmm. @livingsocial just sent me an email with no way to unsub. Unsub link actually goes to sign up on their site. SPAM ACT?!

Someone must have used my email address on @livingsocial. No way to remove it that I can see. Why would I care about deals in Portland?!

Tried password reset on @livingsocial. Told me I didn’t have an account yet, would have to sign up. How is this not spam? Reporting it.