@lemon_lime I know, but I mostly use touch pad and I have no idea how to simulate a mouse wheel click on that! 😀
Felt strong going into Spudds workout today, and consequently kicked some ass. 102m and 100m on the rower. 🙂
RT @VenessaHunt: Our Mobile Advertising campaign for McDonalds went live today! Woohoo! (not our site) just our banners and placement! 🙂
Tony: I don’t believe in god or marriage but I go to weddings. You know why? Because I’m a polite person. THAT’S WHAT WE DO.
RT @witty_knitter: And anyway, she’s there to REPRESENT THE COUNTRY. Her personal beliefs DON’T MATTER any more than his do. // Hell yeah!
@rajsingh2505 Haha, I think you were the only other one to get one! #kunaaliscookiemonster
“I am the EARTH MOTHER, and you are all flops.” Goodnight Martha. Sad, sad, sad. (R.I.P. Liz Taylor. You were a legend.)