Spudds made me box continuously for two minutes. I can barely lift my arms now. HOW AM I GOING TO FINISH THAT STUPID CARDY?!
@makarakarn Heh. I’ll just pop some muscle relaxers and go to work. Cardy might turn out a bit surreal though… ๐
@DDsD Where did THAT come from? BOM forecast this morning was totally clear. I made the Snook ride his bike to work! Eeek.
@redambition Oh, dear god. I felt ready to vomit after two. Three would’ve killed me!
@laimelde Storm! Pretty apocalyptic looking clouds from where I’m sitting.
My desk neighbour lent me a Bieber remix CD. OH YEAH, WHO’S DANCING NOW?
@imdominating Why you gotta hate? Even Tina Fey said she wanted to give him a bath. ๐
Now I’m dancing to Kee-dollar sign-ha. Yes, I’d judge me too.
Crossing all my fingers and all my toes…
For the record, I’m barracking for India tonight in the cricket… mostly because @kunaal84, @venks79, & @rajsingh2505 will yell if I don’t!
@kunaal84 No news. Hope your stress levels pay off better than mine!!
@SallyPompom Oh Sally, I’m so sorry for your Mother. I hope your flight goes smoothly and you’re with her soon..,
@jasony Me! Me! Wait… Damn.
RT @rajsingh2505: Sydney buses, I HATE YOU // This made me laugh. (It helps if you know Raj is one of the nicest people in the world.)
I love the News Quiz, but I HATE the Now Show. Seriously, it’s worse than Good News Week. Why do I keep downloading it?
@knitterjp I have discovered that the collar of this thing is, like, 25% of the knitting. I’m still going. Coming down to the wire!
@knitterjp Of course, this means I’ll most likely only have ONE out of my three entries actually ready to submit. HUBRIS STRIKES AGAIN!
I wore my red lippie today. @seanchadwick just referred to me as “Hot Lips Houlihan.” HA!