Just officially registered for Macleay River Marathon 2011. No backing out now. 72 days til the race… http://bit.ly/gVOLcp
@krisalis I’m excited too! Well one part of my brain is. The rest is SCARED! But oddly still kinda confident. I’m all over the place. 🙂
What fun! I’m playing a ukulele song with @drkknits, and SHE ISN’T EVEN HERE! 😛
@drkknits I’m going to do you a recording. The pace is good, our keys are just a little off.
@drkknits My phone thinks it’s emailing *something* to you. See if you can play that format. 🙂
@drkknits Converted to mp3. Have a listen. 🙂
Ouch. My fingers.
I’m a super hero. http://instagr.am/p/CuDBU/
I just unlocked the “Healthy Crane” badge on @foursquare! http://4sq.com/e6LQHL
Waiting for Snook in packed out Porteño. Decided to have a glass of Malbec since @steverunner is always raving about it!
@witty_knitter @sandrahw Looks yummy! You’re very lucky. 🙂
@lemon_lime No way! Who did you have to kneecap? 🙂 Congrats, that’s awesome news. Have fun in Melbs!!
RT @codepo8: To all the ladies going crazy about the royal wedding – if you want someone ginger and of German heritage I am here…
So full. I feel coated in lamb fat. Of course, it was the best lamb I’ve ever had in my life, so I’m happy. “F**kin’ amazing,” indeed.
@Kat13v Nah, Porteño in Surry Hills. SMH called the lamb f**kin’ amazing, and they weren’t wrong!
Sleeves sewn in! Just buttons to be added. Also reblocking shoulders since they went a bit pointy.