@tinkabel I’ve donated in the US and UK before, but not in the last 10 years. My Hb level was 139, IIRC. Right in the middle.
@tinkabel I’ve never been paid for it anywhere. Just always donate at the Red Cross.
@knitterjp No fishing line? I’ll call that a win. ๐ Thanks!
RT @knitterjp: A third for @mrs_sockvictim http://t.co/Me7LZ7I // Yay, congrats Fee!!
My Hipster Cardy didn’t win the Show. Once again I am too AVANTE GARDE for the judges! ๐ http://t.co/0lfymTt (Thanks @knitterjp for pic)
RT @knitterjp: Reccie’s shawl!! http://t.co/LHTJJn0 @miss_reecie
@knitterjp Intarsia waratahs? INTARSIA WARATAHS? Tell me that Asa’s actually pretty design won a ribbon.
RT @knitterjp: Send in the clowns http://t.co/gCN8fNr // So much FAIL in one photo. It’s a wonder anybody takes up knitting these days.
@drkknits I think we need to write a uke song about scourge of insipid clowns and the valiant-but-misunderstood knitters who oppose them.
@knitterjp There are no words.
@knitterjp GASP! He didn’t win? I do like the meerkat.
@knitdra @knitterjp He’s there every year. As god is my witness, one day I will own some naked marquetry.
@Kat13v Awww, thanks. ๐
Playing Patsy Cline on the ukelele. @imdominating would be pissing herself.
@Kat13v Wait, WHAT? No 1st in my class? Okay, that’s friggin’ annoying.
@AusVintageGrrl Awww, thanks. I suppose the garment would’ve lost all Hipster Cred if it had a ribbon. Losing is more “authentic.” ๐
@stufromoz I think you’ve done all the ones I know!
@steven_noble Isn’t there a parliament of owls? I always liked that one.
RT @eileenDCoE: Cures not cuts! #protectresearch
@knitabulous Nah, Walkin’ After Midnight. I’m not up to crooning yet. ๐
100 Awesome Husband Points: secretly getting your wife a Jane Austen comic book as a surprise gift. http://t.co/0wLfHXB
@knitabulous I didn’t keep it as secret as I should. It was listed on Rav for ages. Oh well, winning would have tarnished my indie cred. ๐
The wicked bruise on my arm is the perfect counterpart to my wicked allergy attack, wicked sinus headache, and wicked bad mood.
@gingerthomas Yeah, I bruise pretty easily. It’s gnarly; looks like I got attacked by a vampire. Not Red Cross lady’s fault, she was good!