Pitstop at home 2/3 through mega-long run. First bit was with @mrs_sockvictim; now running to meet @kunaal84. Going well. I CAN DO THIS.
Massive, massive thanks to @mrs_sockvictim, @kunaal84, & the Snook for helping me with today’s long run. I DID IT! 23 MILES! 37KM! WOOT! ๐
@kunaal84 Also, Rodd totally approved of giving you a high-five. Ahem.
@randomknits The real challenge will be making it to the Show tomorrow… ๐
@drkknits @randomknits MEDICINAL cheese on a stick. ๐
I know it’s not good for me, but lying prone (on couch and bed) is pretty much all I’ve done since I finished the run.
@gusseting I showered… but I didn’t have an ice bath. I should’ve. I just couldn’t bear the thought of sitting in the cold!
Jamie’s 30 Minute Meals #13: Wonky Summer Pasta! http://bit.ly/hI5AGd Would’ve been better if we’d pre-baked the tart cases. #facepalm
I am sore everywhere. EVERYWHERE.
@drkknits That’s TORNADO POTATO! They have it at an Asian takeaway near Central Station. I was underwhelmed.
Made it to the train! About to head to Easter Show. Legs are working better than expected. ๐