@knitabulous Dye and acid in, quick stir, then jumper, IIRC. Maybe I didn’t dissolve it well enough?
@knitabulous Sure. Not terribly worried; just wondering if that was expected behaviour or if I did something wrong. I’ve got more dye. 🙂
@lahondaknitter Pre-soaked for about 6 hours, in fact.
@henrytapia Good, up until the point where the cheese baby we ate started getting revenge in our bellies. Bleccchhhhh.
Just registered for City2Surf – and to my surprise, Snook and I qualified for green start group! GO US!
@AusVintageGrrl I still haven’t finished the damn Nutkins.
@jenbishopsydney RICE: rest ice compression elevation. Was it you? Hope it’s not too painful!
@Ezzles Yikes! iPhone or android? Delete and reinstall fixed RK when I had issues.
@kunaal84 @AusVintageGrrl If you’re lucky, she’ll hold up a sign for you: “KUNAAL – DON’T POOP YOUR PANTS!”
Hm. Cardy has been rinsed… and results are odd. How in the world did I do THAT? Colour is (mostly) good tho. http://twitpic.com/51frvv
@knitabulous @mrs_sockvictim @gusseting Just posted photo. It’s odd. I think I invented knitted tie-dye. How the eff did I get that square??
@drkknits @knitabulous I think perhaps my pot was a bit small. It didn’t have a lot of room to expand in there…
@chrisgander Hey, I think Spudds is supposed to be on this TV show thursday: http://bit.ly/myWy4f. He was filming in Melbs yesterday!