Just realised I’ve been tweeting my runs with the WRONG @rajsingh! Sorry, other Raj! I run with @rajsingh2505. 🙂
@mrs_sockvictim From previous tweet: http://twitpic.com/51frvv. No idea how the hell I did that.
@makarakarn Hot. Water. Bottle.
RT @Y7News: Strauss-Kahn DNA found on maid’s clothes: reports http://yhoo.it/m4Wb8b // GROSSSSSSSS.
@gusseting @knitabulous Well, I have another pot of the dye. Would it do any good to try again in a bigger pot?
@drkknits If people reckon it would improve it, I guess.
@knitabulous You’re gonna have to send me another email with all the instructions for that. I like to follow directions.
@mrs_sockvictim What? Is that yours??
RT @mrs_sockvictim: ipad for sale http://alturl.com/jug5r // MINE MINE MINE! ALL MINE!
@gusseting We didn’t bother with phones or sim cards when we were there last time; just used free WiFi when we could get it.
@gusseting But we were only visiting fam, not doing business or anything…
@knitabulous There appear to be some videos of people playing it on YouTube. I shall do my best.
Finally, an AWESOME True Blood series 4 preview: http://on.io9.com/lzSjRP. VERY EXCITED.
@kunaal84 I thought of you as soon as I got on the bus and it started pouring. I’M SORRY!
Dear Gary Mehigan: This is how you make Shepherd’s Pie, you twit. Love, me and Saint Delia. http://twitpic.com/51vajr
@wen1965 Exactly! Cottage Pie is a fine thing, but no need to go muddling the waters…
I wonder if Mr Snook is having fun at #brewshare at @localtaphouseDL. IF ONLY HE USED TWITTER HE COULD TELL US ALL RIGHT NOW.
Baked some special treats for tomorrow. It’s Tanvir’s last day and @rajsingh2505’s birthday! http://twitpic.com/51vjgm
@chewxy Ack! What’d he have you to do a poor duck?
Note to self: when you bake cookies and Snook isn’t around to police you, you will eat the cookies. The trick is to not eat ALL the cookies.
@codepo8 He is the guardian of my nobler self… the one that doesn’t scarf down still-warm cookies in the kitchen in her sweatpants.
@bowenvale321 But I tweeted them! Thwarted by my own social networking!
@AusVintageGrrl These are practically compost cookies. I threw in everything: 4 packs of M&Ms (inc. coconut!), half a pack of Freckles…
@gusseting Nope. I’m not nearly that cool.
@altonbrown Well, I am *now*. Too bad I can’t get Vidalias in Australia, I think. 🙁
RT @NereadersDigest: Welcome to 2005 RT @arionian: OMIGOD http://bom.gov.au/ FINALLY WORKS WITHOUT THE WWW!
@devvyleys Awesome! Congrats to your big little girl! 🙂
Good grief. Broadway was okay, but the William Street wind tunnel nearly knocked me over. Glad I wore my big coat.