I wore the dyed orange cardy. I like it! May still paint to even out few spots, but it’s much better than cream. http://twitpic.com/52xvmc
@SMinney Yeah, everybody at work seems to like it. They all thought the blotchiness was intentional!
@squozen Hahahaha, I was gonna say…
@SMinney Addictive. I had to leave it at home today lest I get distracted at work. ๐
@SMinney I was already using my iPhone for a lot of crafty things; this just gives me more screen room!
@mrs_sockvictim Hahahaha, that was quick! How’d you get it??
RT @venks79: Seen a dark blue sedan involved in an accident at corner of Centennial Ave & Elizabeth Pde, Lane Cove at 3pm, 26th May? Msg …
@knitdra @mrs_sockvictim She sold it to me! ๐ ๐ ๐
@drkknits I know. Rodd sent me a link about it ages ago. I think I shared it on Reader…
@drkknits Hahaha. It helps that I am apparently the person that everyone in the world sends their wacky ukulele links to.
Our end-of-month beers tonight featured a blatant Sam Adams rip-off. Seriously? “John Boston”? So bad it’s funny. http://twitpic.com/535hkq
@brodrigu 4X is a fairly well known Australian beer from Queensland. It’s piss, but I don’t think its a knockoff.
@supercres After I shared it, I found a MeFi thread with a link to an essay from the author. I read the book myself and was repulsed.