Shared today on Twitter

@steven_noble I just mean that coughing “bullshit!” while someone is speaking is rude too, but it goes for anybody. Meow is gendered.

@knitness I’d seen that. Original and interesting! I reserve the right to change my mind if it’s a brainless “trend” 5 years from now tho 🙂

Wondering if Appliances Online has an EOFY sale… @DDsD?

Just listened to co-worker call person who won a smartphone. Gave them a choice of like 6. Person picked iPhone4. We were not surprised.

@brodrigu Hahahaha, no. This was a drawing, an actual contest. 🙂

@drkknits What do you mean? It’s still there.

@drkknits You might have to “show all” rather than “show updated”. Maybe reader has hidden it because you’ve already viewed it.

@drkknits Your Viking vampire porn wish is my command.

Me: “Would you still call a single bar of Twix a Twix? Are Twix fractal?” Snook: “I think a single bar is actually a unix.” HA.

@toastman He disagrees. “But the packet just says Twix. Not “Twix double pack” or any such.”

@henrytapia Is it the Twix thing? Sorry. Yeah, that was my choc-o-late.

@toastman He’s going off on a tangent now about the whole deviled egg paradox, and sandwiches, and now I’m all kinds of hungry.

No knitting for me tonight. Instead I’m going to Broadway so a little old Asian masseuse man can beat my legs to a pulp. *bliss*

Wow. Ravelry got hacked. Time to change passwords!

My hair is just long enough to go into plaits again. Happy day!

I posted about the Ravelry hack in the Australian Knitters forum, just in case folks didn’t see the news.