Making good time! Stopped for lunch. Sun still shining… for now. (@ Red Eye Cafe)
@Opheli8 Mid North Coast. My marathon is Sunday in South West Rocks.
Thanks @knitness! And thanks for playing cat-mommy this week too. 🙂
Clouds are sweeping in. #anxious
We outran the clouds & made it to Eungai. No rain yet but COLD! Manly cardy-wearing Snook is starting a fire.
@kunaal84 Aww, I’m gone one day and you’re descending into anarchy!
@ozgamer I Facebooked it too. You can LIKE it there. 🙂
@knitabulous THOSE ARE FRIGGIN’ AWESOME. What sort are they??
Freezing. Damn fire isn’t raising temp fast enough! And no MythTV means *gasp* watching live TV with ads. We’re like cavemen. With wifi.
@knitabulous It’s a DIY TiVo. Open source media PC thing. We never watch live TV anymore. Ads! Need my fast forward!!
Found a feather doona in the MIL’s closet. Score! Feet finally getting warm.
@redambition @knitness It takes a village to raise a socially awkward cat! (Rodd: Everybody loves him tho, cause he makes them work for it.)