Shared today on Twitter

@SallyPompom @redambition Which reminds me: Do I need to send a report for Saturday, even though I’m not supposed to be Webmaster anymore?

@SallyPompom @redambition Considering Susan has dropped off the earth, and she hasn’t said she’s going to the meeting either. ๐Ÿ™

@redambition @sallypompom Will try and write up something at lunch…

“That looks like Kings Cross!” – office manager referring to coworker’s spilled soup all over the carpet near my desk.

@knitabulous Yikes! But congrats on joining the rest of us faceplanters. It’s an elite group. ๐Ÿ™‚

@imdominating Which one? Mine is: “I’m wondering – what is in the bag?” We say that one all. the. time.

Well, if I’m crying over breakfast, @imdominating and @carbolicious should be too.

RT @DeathStarPR: A Jedi walks into a bar and cuts off a few peopleโ€™s arms for no reason. #JediHumour #StarWars

@indefensible @squozen Fairey falsified evidence though, didn’t he? Surely didn’t help his case.

@henrytapia Is it an American thing? I just thought it was a web thing, not specific to a given country.