Reading: “Requirements as Inventory” Metaphor.
Interesting. A particular blogspot blog that was showing three days ago… now isn’t. I WONDER WHY.
@witty_knitter The Pinterest site is still up. The one where the Google cache shows her surname:
@bellsknits Did you see M-H’s blog? Went from weird to scary for me. ๐
I’m tired. Bone tired. Post-marathon funk? Just trying to get motivated or excited about anything. Failing. #existentialcrisis
@toastman Bay Run, City 2 Surf, Blackmore’s Half-Marathon, and then World Wide Festival of Races Half-Marathon. Yikes. Now I’m even tireder.
New experiment for July: No Internet after 9pm. I may READ A BOOK or even SLEEP. I wonder if I can make it the whole month…
RT @drkknits: Oh look, a new show on the abc called #crownies. That looks interesting. And so well designed too. // HEAR HEAR!
@bellsknits Okay… I am closing the laptop. Any second now. I swear.
@bellsknits Practically! And no time like the present. Good night! ๐
This Oxford comma business is the most unsettling thing I’ve heard all day. This pedant won’t be changing a damn thing! #oxfordcomma4life
@toastman Have you tried @healthmonth yet? Best health experiment I’ve done in the past 6 months. New cycle starts tomorrow!
They’re putting in a Mad Mex at Central?! Goodbye low-carb; hello burritos!
@stufromoz I know! I was tweeting as the bus rolled past it. ๐