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Sydney: can anybody recommend a garden consultant? I want somebody to tell me what will actually grow in our space.

RT @GGDSydney: Great write up about our Google GGD last Thursday by @codemiller

@imdominating I’ve been to that! GOOD GOD, that was like 12 years ago! It’s still going??

@kunaal84 Vikings don’t mind the cold. PHWOAR!!

It appears @venks79 has announced our secret: I’m now “BA/Project Coordinator” for @mobileembrace. More skillz to learn! Wish me luck…

@drkknits @kunaal84 Hahaha, indeed. I would rather be at Fangtasia than Winterfell though…

@drkknits @kunaal84 “YOU… ARE… MINE!!” He damn well better. 🙂

@drkknits @kunaal84 I made him listen to it earlier today. He’s used to it!

@drkknits @kunaal84 …who goes to Amanda Palmer concerts. Pshaw, right.

The hatred I felt towards the Nutkin socks has now been completely inverted for the Leyburns. I am LOVING THEM.

RT @renailemay: Whoah … Amazon just bought the Book Depository:

@redambition That’ll happen! Just keep moving and it’ll get better. 🙂