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@_brigita_ My friend Stephen said alumni should face ND outwards; that puts the shield closest to your heart?

@imdominating I get your point, but some of us are married to weirdos who have issues about talking on the phone. It’s my cross to bear.

On the plus side, no mind control waves getting through this! (@ Travis George Hair Lounge) [pic]:

RT @randomknits: WWOOOOOOOHHHOOOOOOO! Welcome back, Billy!!

@AusVintageGrrl Got my hair done. Blondie. Now watching Masterchef and knitting.

@Kat13v @AusVintageGrrl So thrilled Billy’s dish turned out well! #teambilly

@higdonmarathon Tomorrow? I’m seeing it as $17.99 in AU app store now. 🙁

@jobonekenobi Nice! Which one did you do, Gold Coast? I just ran #myfirstmarathon last month!

@jobonekenobi Macleay River Mara in Southwest Rocks, in torrential rainfall that caused flooding. Still had a blast!