@drkknits What are you on about? The Android app is just as proprietary. iOS users are just annoyed we have to wait for our app!
@drkknits But the complainers are stupid, because the mobile web version works fine. Just doesn’t do photos. ๐
@drkknits Well, that’s just a stupid person. They are not endemic to a particular type of hardware.
@drkknits @gilmae Are you suggesting that Google is paying Apple back for… integrating Maps and Email and everything so nicely in iOS?
@gilmae @drkknits We should stop ganging up on the Android user. She’s just cranky at not having a magical, tomorrow iDevice of her own. ๐
@drkknits @gilmae @arwenamin It’s okay. The world needs utilitarian, unstylish, un-hip worker bees too. #pokingwithstick ๐
Double Rainbow all the way!
Didn’t get to run today. Work. Rain. Cold. Grumble…
@KaisaKaisaKaisa Only if they have a tendency to get underfoot and stepped on! Our don’t wear them & they’re ok.
Just watched Crownies, and REALLY liked it! The Warcraft murder was esp. amusing. We cheered when we saw @mrs_sockvictim’s name in credits.
@Amabelyc73 Quit spamming.
Note to self: never tweet the name of that online game again. Already 3 spam tweets in less than 10 minutes.