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@knitabulous @dianemulholland Don’t bother! Unless you’re a sprinter, will make no difference. Def nothing new on race day!

@knitabulous Just wear it once ahead of time! Just don’t want to find it itches or bunches or rubs in the race!

@knitabulous Bodyglide! Get it at running or hiking store. My fave. 🙂

@knitabulous Definitely!

New role: getting invited to Big Important Meetings is fun, but my average time in the office is going up too…

@gilmae Watch the spoilers! But also WORD. And then somebody awesome kill Theon. Twerp deserves it. (I’m 30% into Bk 3.)

@gilmae @drkknits How about the creepy sister propositioning? ICK FACTOR 11.

@gilmae @drkknits When you’re a total Creepy Sleazebag who tries to pick up Everybody with Tits, you’re bound to hit a relative eventually!

@drkknits @gilmae I do like the name Damphair. There’s a possible Halloween costume in that…

@drkknits @gilmae Up to you! Rodd is resisting my idea that he go as John Snow and I’d be a dead wilding White Walker.

@drkknits @witty_knitter @gilmae That was going to be the fun of Damphair: trying to offer you all to the Drowned God via a water pistol.

@randomknits @gilmae @drkknits My take is an Evil, Sexy, Red-Robed pseudo-Christian. Like Sarah Palin.

@randomknits @gilmae @drkknits You’d need a fake pregnancy belly though so you could re-enact the scene that had me SHRIEKING at Kylie.

@drkknits Did we just come up with Sarah Palin independently of each other? PSYCHIC.

@witty_knitter We’ll stop. You don’t need to be tempted into reading them now or you’ll never finish your phd. 🙂

I am going to forgo this fun discussion in favour of some knitting, which I rarely do anymore, mostly because I hate Theon Greyjoy so much.

One last thing @drkknits: Tonight I learned that @gilmae likes all the WORST characters. Now we know which side he’s on! *shudder*

@witty_knitter Once I finish it, I’ll tell you if it deserves to be on your list. It’ll be a few years. 🙂

@witty_knitter @drkknits It was on HBO recently, and now it’s on some Foxtel here. Or we could, uh, hook you up. Ahem. It’s very good.

@witty_knitter Have you seen Sean Bean posing heroically with a sword on half of Sydney’s buses? That’s the one.

That’s right – 2 POUNDS of bulgogi marinating away in the fridge. Who wants to be at my house tomorrow night, huh? (@carbolicious)

@devindawson Hey Devin – sorting out the MeFi Health Month team. I can’t see your MeFi profile to verify you. Can you send me a link?

My mystery tiredness has been solved: I’m sick! I’m gonna go back to bed.